29 September, 2008

Choke. A two parter!

So. Last Thursday, I was invited to a sneak preview of the new film "Choke" based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk, by my pal Lord Spathington. I don't know how many of you out there have read this book, so here are some random words and phrases to give you an idea of what it contains: anal beads, messiah, foreskin, "the circuit", sex addicts, colonial America, rocks, strippers, skin cancer, sex, Jesus Christ, death, dementia, sex, aaaannd sex. Now you know. Anyway, the film is a decent representation of the book. Of course, some scenes from the book are omitted, some are reconstructed, and some are right on the money.

Sam Rockwell plays main character, Victor Mancini, and as always provides an excellent performance. I haven't seen Rockwell turn in a bad performance yet. Not even in the fairly terrible "Charlie's Angels" film. He comes off as likable and mildly despicable all at the same time. Impressive to say the least. The film is good on a technical standpoint as well. Nothing fancy here. Just solid cinematography, a good adaptation of the source material, and competent directing.

To finish, if you enjoy black comedies, Chuck Palahniuk, Sam Rockwell, or just an entertaining film.......see "Choke". Oh, if you haven't read the book. Do so. Immediately. You will not regret it.

Part Two.

Okay, part two here has nothing to do with the film or book. Just what some of you may do when I review my meal from this past Saturday night. This past Day of Satyr I had my first taste of haggis. Haggis is a Scottish dish made from what they call "sheep's pluck". Specifically, the sheep's heart, liver, and lungs ground and mixed with oatmeal, spices, suet, and boiled in the sheep's stomach. I know. This sounds REALLY awful. It wasn't.

I had my plate of haggis at The Scottish Arms in the Central West End. My entree came with: haggis (of course), neeps (turnips), and tatties (mashed potatoes). The haggis itself looks a lot like ground beef. It tastes similar also, but it has a very mineral, earthy flavor, slightly salted. Enjoyable so far. Now. When you mix a forkful of haggis with a dollop of tatties? Damn. Tastiest. Shepherd's. Pie. Ever. I cannot recommend this meal enough. Haggis is awesome. Try it.

22 September, 2008

Flagrant Abuse of Governmental Power

This is the kind of thing that really pisses me off. The government interfering in the business of a small, private business providing a much needed service. We all need to come to the defense of small businesses such as this one. FIGHT THE POWER!!!

19 September, 2008

Zachariah & the Lobos Riders

I have enjoyed Zach Selwyn's antics on G4 for as long as he's been on the network. Now I bring to you his outlaw-country hip-hop band, and this song C.I.L.F. (Cartoons I'd Like to Fuck). Fantabulous. Enjoy.

17 September, 2008

Hot Chicks on Wheels.

I have, in the past months, discovered the joys of ARRG. That is the Arch Rival Roller Girls. It's a night of hot girls, in roller skates, knocking the crap out of each other, while I drink beer and cheer them on safely (sort of) from the sidelines. Honestly, it's a fucking great way to spend a Saturday night. Go to the next bout, coming up in Oct. and you will discover the joy........and hot chicks.

16 September, 2008

El Presidente

November can't come fast enough. I'm already tired of all the ridiculous attack ads and rhetoric. If they would just come out say stuff like, " Obama is a douchebag. I'm John McCain, and I approved this ad.", or "Fuck you John McCain. I'm Barack Obama, and I approved this ad." I would be a lot more likely to vote for one of them. As well as be far more entertained.

11 September, 2008

GIna Gershon is hot AND funny.

See more Gina Gershon videos at Funny or Die

As much as I hate the lead up to the elections, with all the bickering, pandering and mudslinging. At least we get Gina Gershon in a bikini this year. Thanks to Sarah Palin. Thanks Sarah!

I done drawed this!

Ever have one of those times where you're just all blocked up? Creatively, I mean. Well, this came out of one of those times. Jeff, K-10, Kim and myself were all making t-shirts and other sundry creative type shit, and I just couldn't think of anything interesting..... So Jeff suggested a whale driving a car.....So here you have it. A Whale driving a car. Enjoy.

09 September, 2008

When will someone stop this.

So, my girlfriend DVR'd the VMA's on MTV last night. When will someone step in and put a stop to this epic travesty? It was....how do I put this........craptacular perhaps? Yes. It was craptacular. The only thing good was the host, U.K. comic Russell Brand, whom everyone hated because he tore into the incredibly lame Jonas Bros. and just about anyone else. He also drew the ire of legions of Twilight fans (you know who you are) for cutting off Robert Pattinson, star of the upcoming film. Beware Russell Brand, watch out behind you for chubby girls dressed in black with pointy teeth. Sorry. Back to the matter at hand. Who will stop MTV? I don't just mean the VMA's, I mean the whole shebang. Somebody needs to step up and old yeller MTV's ass.

08 September, 2008

As I promised here is a link to the Domo shorts. Not on YouTube though, at the official DomoNation page! Snazzy.

06 September, 2008

It begins.......

Here is my magnificent first post. If you don't know who this is, this is Domo-kun. Domo-kun is the mascot for Japan's NHK TV. The U.S. is now finally discovering Domo, and that is awesomelicious. Go to your local Target store and gaze in wonderment at all the Domo halloween decorations. I will post some links to the Domo shorts on youtube at some point.

Man v. Food Widget